Allie Bjerk – Tiny Offer Lab

Full Course: Allie Bjerk – Tiny Offer Lab

Categories: Other, Product For Sale, Your Own Product
Tags: Allie Bjerk – Tiny Offer Lab





What You Get:



The Tiny Offer Idea Generation Process


It All Starts With The Right Offer For The Right Audience…

In Module 1, you’ll learn to avoid the mistakes most digital product creators make, that cost them HUGE profits — not to mention months of frustration and wasted time.

We’ll dive in to…

5 reasons you need to be super clear on your WHO before you ever start building out your Tiny Offer Funnel

How to use the 3P Method to easily identify your perfect WHO

The 3 recession-proof niches you must be aware of before you narrow down your options

Simple ways to validate demand and supply for your idea before you create your Tiny Offer

The Stealth Map Method to learn how your ideal client feels, what they know, what they do, and what they buy

Why your competition is irrelevant once you discover your blue ocean




Imagine Your Offer Suite


The Most Crucial Piece Of Your Tiny Offer Success Puzzle Is Your Irresistible Offer…

In Module 2, you’ll set up your 3-part Tiny Offer suite for maximum profits — and maximum results for your buyers.

We’ll dive in to…

The 3 types of problems you need to solve with your Tiny Offer Suite

3 easy questions to ask to generate ideas for your Tiny Offer and a simple system for validating your offer

How to create and name one-of-a-kind frameworks for your offer

Turning your framework into a product and finding the Standout Element of your offer

How to use the Offer Suite Wheel to determine the dollar value of each component of your Tiny Offer




Nail Product Creation


High-Converting Offers Have Pleasing Visuals And Practical Assets…

In Module 3, you’ll create a unique style for your Tiny Offer and get down to brass tacks by building out assets.

We’ll dive in to…

How to brand the Tiny Offer way, including how to select eye-catching colors, fonts, and graphics

The 10-minute logo method that will save you HOURS of head-banging-against-keyboard frustration

The inside scoop on the BEST tools to use for slide creation, video recording, worksheet creation, and other assets

Allie’s Go-to Equipment List with links to everything you need to create a polished Tiny Offer Suite




Your Stellar Sales Pages


You Won’t Get Any Traction Without A Sales Page That Speaks To Your Ideal Buyer…

In Module 4, you’ll learn Allie’s secrets to copy that converts at each step in your funnel.

We’ll dive in to…

A walkthrough of Allie’s Livestream 365 and Client Multiplier Method Sales Pages, so you can understand the flow of the page and use these “swipes” for inspiration

Customizable templates in Google Docs for your main offer sales page, check-out page, one-time offer page, and confirmation page

Customizable video sales scripts in Google Docs for your main offer and one-time offer




Optimize Your E-Mail Sequences


Don’t Downplay The Power Of Emails When You’re Selling Digital Products…

In Module 5, you’ll learn how to circle back and reclaim lost sales and how to deliver exactly what your buyer expects.

We’ll dive in to…

Why potential buyers start buying but don’t finish checking out and how to recoup those “abandoned cart” sales using 3 simple emails

Exactly what to include in your confirmation emails to ensure happy customers

The secret to making sales after the sale by increasing cart value, nurturing your audience, and planting seeds for high-end offers

Customizable templates in Google Docs for all email sequences




Focus On Tech


Tech Doesn’t Have To Be Scary…

In Module 6, you’ll get the step-by-step system for my recommended Tech Stack, learn how to make it work for you, and how to hire someone if you need to.

We’ll dive in to…

How to master creating lists, tags, and automations, so your email back-end flows seamlessly

Setting up your sales page stack using my Clickfunnels template and how to make it your own

The in’s and out’s of uploading and organizing your program assets in a course platform

How to make your tech talk and work together for a smooth customer experience from start to finish




Engineer Your Traffic


Rake In The Sales Before You Ever Spend A Penny On Ads…

In Module 7, you’ll learn the nuances of an organic traffic strategy and pick and choose what works for you from a menu of proven tactics.

We’ll dive in to…

How to get your first 100 buyers without investing in paid ads using the TOL Organic Traffic Strategy

How to make ONE piece of content work 10X harder with a repurposing strategy + Allie’s Content Inspiration Swipe File

The 4-Part High Converting Tiny Offer Webinar + Allie’s webinar slides template

Tactics for a quick cash infusion for your paid ads, and how to create profitable, win-win partnerships




Fund Your Ads


The Paid-Ad Strategy To Put Your Profits On Autopilot…

In Module 8, you’ll walk step-by-step through setting up, creating, launching, and troubleshooting your ad campaign.

We’ll dive in to…

What you need to have in place before you run Facebook Ads to your Tiny Offer and understanding the Ads Manager

How to choose from the 3 types of ad campaigns based on the results you want

How to profile your audience and choose an audience type, plus setting your budget, optimizing your ads, and using retargeting ads

Creating compliant and effective ad copy + creative, and what to do if your ad is rejected or shut down

Bonus: How to advertise your Tiny Offer on other platforms




ROI Multiplier


You’re Building A List Of Buyers — Time To Leverage That…

In Module 9, you’ll learn exactly how to lead buyers of your Tiny Offer down the high-end path.

We’ll dive in to…

How to choose from the 3 types of High-Ticket Offers, map out your framework, and create your assets

Hosting a live webinar to sign high-ticket clients and how to decide on the best webinar call to action

Getting subscribers to register, show up, and buy — it’s all about the emails

Customizable templates in Google Docs for opt-in page, webinar slides, emails, sales page, application page, and more




 Recorded Q+A Calls

(Tech, Copywriting, Strategy, FB Ads)


You’ll get to eavesdrop on 12 months worth of expert coaching calls from my high-end Tiny Offer Group Coaching Program. From Tiny Offer strategy, to tech, copywriting, and Facebook Ads, my team and I cover it all. Stuck on a particular point? Search by keyword and you’ll be directed to the exact timestamp in the calls on that topic.


Free VIP Recording of Profit Camp


Profit Camp is a two-day event that is comprised of four value packed sections:

Your 20 Hour Week @ $1k Per Hour

Map Out Your High-Ticket Group Program

Design Your VIP Offer

Create an Irresistible Tiny Offer®


A HUGE BUNDLE of Customizable Copy Templates


Skip the overwhelm and frustration of creating everything from scratch by using my proven best-selling templates!



Tiny Offer® Sales Page Builder


Let me write your ENTIRE sales page for you in just a few minutes using my Sales Page Copy Builder Tool. Simply answer a few questions and my algorithm will write your sales page for you!





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